Good Vibrations = Good Business
The clients I deal with already know how to do their job, they’ve been trained to support others in the world as coaches, therapists, practitioners or healers. They are ready to spread their magic and help heal the world in their own special way; but who’s looking after them? The way I look at it is that they are all trained Pilots, ready to fly their planes filled with clients around the wonders of the world, helping them to heal and grow through their chosen modality. I see myself as their Ground Crew, ensuring that they are ready and fit to fly, that their energy is clear and protected, so that their planes have the best fuel and can reach optimum heights.
It’s important to remember how the bio-field of the body works, that it tunes into the frequency all around it, your environment and the people you meet. If you maintain a high frequency in this bio-field by clearing your negative blocks and then operating from the heart, with authenticity, compassion and love, you are able to bring these qualities to your work and the people you work with. So by working to increase your vibration, ground your energy, staying clear of other’s bad vibes and becoming more aware of your field and energetic capabilities, you will then naturally bring these aspects to your work.
Once you are functioning and vibrating with this higher, cleared energy field, people around you will start to shift automatically too. They will be able to go into deeper layers of personal work and access parts of themselves they did not have awareness of before. They will feel safe and open in ways that they could not otherwise, just by coming into contact with you, as a result of your field.
You can have the best tools and techniques in the world, but your frequency and vibration are a huge part of what determines the outcome of your work. As a coach, therapist or practitioner, you are aware of the need to work on yourself, doing the shadow work and clearing your own shit, but sometimes it’s easy to forget that you are also taking on your client’s negative energies and that this too can affect you and how you work; so it’s valuable to remember as an energetic being the importance of grounding, clearing and protecting your own energy field regularly.
In the world of quantum healing, it’s an accepted fact that once you clear your own energy and ensure you are functioning with a high, cleared vibration. you cannot help but affect those around you in a positive way, by the laws of entrainment you help to lift their vibration as well. So by regularly ensuring you follow your Energy hygeine, you not only function better yourself, you are also giving your clients a leg up before you even begin to spread your magic dust.
Check out my Energy Masterclass which is an 8 module deep dive into how to cleanse & protect your energy whilst working with clients and also how to make energy work for you & your businesses optimum performance.